Tutoring & afterschool
Quality Instruction
Caring Tutors
Safe + Clean Facilities
Nutritious Snacks
Engaging Devotionals
Faith-Based Tutoring
Are you looking for a safe space for your teenager to develop meaningful relationships and receive academic help? We're here for you. The Bridge Tutoring Initiative is a quality, free-of-cost after-school program in Madison County Indiana. We take an intentional approach to academic, spiritual, emotional, and social investment.
The Bridge Tutoring is especially for 6th-12th grade students who need hands-on attention from expert educators. Our tutors care about the holistic well-being of their students and want to make a difference. The result? Our students enjoy an approach designed especially for their development level.
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Bridge Tutoring Leadership
Dianna Stankiewicz
Bridge Tutoring Director
M.A., Adult & Community Education
Ball State University
Rev. Joey Claus
Pastoral Liason
M.A., Urban Ministry
Olivet Nazarene University
(In progress)
Homeschool Tutoring
Wednesdays, 1 PM - 2 PM -
After-School Tutoring
Wednesdays, 4 PM - 5 PM